Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fasting Notes

I talked about Fasting this morning as we get ready to kickoff Awakening 2011. We are joining churches all over the nation for this unbelievable time of Prayer, Fasting, and Personal Devotion to God.

Below are some of my notes from Sunday's Message:

I want to answer 5 questions:
1. What is Fasting?
2. Why Should We Fast?
3. What Does Fasting Do?
4. Why is Fasting Important in the Life of a Believer?
5. Why is it Important for the Body of Christ to Fast Together?

What is Fasting?
• Going without food for a specified amount of time in order to pray
• It’s pursuing God to fill a spiritual hunger rather than eating food to fill a
physical hunger

Why Should We Fast?
• Fasting Recaptures our Heart for God
• Fasting Expresses our Passion to know God more

What Does Fasting Do?

• Fasting Exposes the Heart
• Fasting Expresses our Hunger for God
• Fasting makes our heart tender toward God

• Fasting does not motivate God to love you.
• Fasting doesn’t make God enjoy you any more.
• Fasting isn’t a “get rich quick” plan to holiness.
• We don’t fast so that God will forgive us.
• Fasting is not a substitute for obedience.

Why is Fasting Important in the Life of a Believer?
• God Rewards It
• It Deepens the Reality of God's Presence in our Lives

Why is it important for us to fast together……As a church body1.
• That our focus would be solely on God
• That we would present pure hearts to God
• That our lives would be a Testimony for God
• That our church would walk as one (in unity) before God
• That we would have the power and anointing of God

I hope these notes help. I'm looking forward to us growing together as we pray and fast together over the next 21 days!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Awakening 2011

Awakening 2011 is here! This Monday, January 10th we will be joining with hundreds of churches for 21 days of Prayer, Fasting and Personal Devotion to God. This is an opportunity for us to give the first portion of our year to God in a deep way, maybe deeper than ever.

Sunday, my message will answer 5 questions:

1. What is Fasting?
2. Why Should We Fast?
3. What Does Fasting Do?
4. Why is Fasting Important in the Life of a Believer?
5. Why is it Important for the Body of Christ to Fast Together?

Then, Monday, January 10th at 7pm, we will meet together for a time of prayer, seeking him together.

I believe 2011 will be a breakout year for Clearpoint Church. I can only imagine what God will do when His people get desperate for Him! If Prayer and Fasting does nothing else, it communicates to God that His people are hungry for Him!

So join us Sunday at 10am and Monday at 7pm as we kickoff Awakening 2011!